Thursday, March 1, 2012

Monty the Border Terrier

Monty the Border Terrier is on his third day here now, and is demonstrating a remarkable response to his rehabilitation, although we haven't done much with him except for allow him to chill out, adapt to his new environment, and ensure that he has three walks each day.  The walks weren't as straightforward as it sounds.  He was well behaved but withdrawn once he was out, however getting him on a lead was, to say the least, fun!  A couple of days later, when I enter his kennel he's putting his head on my knee and the collar and lead are going on and off with ease, as well as running around with a wagging tail on his walk instead of the nervous and fearful body language.

For the first couple of days he was frightened of cats, or so I thought, but he'd fooled me.  This morning he was stalking a Bengal.  This is why it takes a while to assess dogs they behave when you first see them or when they first enter the kennels isn't necessarily how they're going to behave once they feel safer,  more secure and more familiar with their environment and the people handling them.


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